A holistic therapy that encourages the body to heal by correcting energy imbalances.
Acupuncture originates from Traditional Chinese Medicine. The practice started thousands of years ago and has recently been introduced to veterinary medicine. Just like in humans, the treatment has garnered great success in cats and dogs. It is one of the holistic therapies we offer to reduce the effect of chronic illnesses and pain that your pet may experience.
The practice involves inserting very fine needles into specific body tissue where nerves and blood vessels are together. When these acupuncture points are stimulated, they produce a response. Other forms of acupuncture can reach these pressure points without the use of needles, such as acupressure, heat or cold application or laser therapy. To discuss acupuncture treatment for your cat or dog, feel free to call us at 403-932-5875.
This treatment can be used to treat pets with arthritis, hip dysplasia, nerve damage, respiratory disease, digestion problems, chronic pain, as well as behavioural issues like anxiety and aggression. Acupuncture has the following effect on these conditions:
Absolutely! A multi-modal approach is often recommended since acupuncture is drug-free and won't have any side effects on your pet's internal organs. Even if your pet is on medication or supplements, their treatment will not be disturbed or complicated by acupuncture.
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